Suite à une requête introduite contre l’avis d’opposition du Procureur du Roi, il a été jugé que le séjour d’un résidant qui est couvet par un titre de séjour spécial (comme celui qui est délivré par le Service Public Fédéral Affaires étrangères aux fonctionnaires européens) peut être pris en compte pour la durée du séjour […]
Law “38 According to well-established case-law, the lack of competenceof the institution which adopted the contested measure constitutes a ground for annulment for reasons of public policy which must be raised by the EU judicature of its own motion, even though none of the parties has asked it to do so (see, to that effect, judgments […]
“En droit 19 À l’appui de son recours, la requérante invoque deux moyens. Premièrement, elle soutient que la décision attaquée est entachée d’un défaut de base juridique, en ce qu’elle appliquerait une condition, à savoir celle relative au changement d’institution, qui ne serait prévue « ni par la conclusion no 229/04 ni par la loi ». Deuxièmement, elle fait […]
- Tags:
- principle of legality
26.10.2017: T-601/16: L’obligation de motivation dans le cas de non-promotion. L’obligation de motivation, qui fait partie intégrante du principe de bonne administration, ainsi que cela ressort de l’article 41, paragraphe 2, sous c), de la charte des droits fondamentaux, a vu son importance renforcée à la suite de l’entrée en vigueur du traité de Lisbonne, […]
12 Feb '17
Pappas & Associates is a law firm located in Brussels and specialised in European Law. This law firm recently enjoyed the recognitions received from the Best European Law Firm – Belgium and the Excellence Award for Internal Market Law. We were lucky to speak with the firm’s founder Spyros A. Pappas, who reveals more the […]
In Case C-673/13 P the CoJ of the EU examined whether it is sufficient that information relates ‘in a sufficiently direct manner’ to emissions into the environment in order for it to fall within the scope of the first sentence of Article 6(1) of Regulation No 1367/2006 (as the General Court ruled in paragraph 53 of the judgment under […]
- Tags:
- environmental protecion
The EU competition investigation against Google search engine practices touches upon several hottest topics of the competition debate and provides insight into recent developments in competition law enforcement on technology-enabled markets. This paper is intended to identify possible abusive practices of with the web giant regard to specialized search market in order to assess the […]
T-403/12: A letter of the awarding authority informing a tenderer of the decision not to award the contract to the consortium of which it was part is a challengeable decision irrespective of the reference in it to a time-limit for informing the contracting authority of its disagreement or for requesting further information from it; the […]
- Tags:
- conflict of interest
– Executive Summary – The Safe Harbour framework, that has been used for cross-border data transfers between the European Union (EU) and United States (US) for 15 years, has recently been invalidated by the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) judgment dated 6 October 2015. The case, brought by Max Schrems, an Austrian […]
Τ-653/13: Compte tenu de la nature du dialogue entre l’évaluateur et l’évalué, qui doit s’inscrire annuellement dans le cadre de la procédure d’évaluation, il y a lieu de considérer que son absence ne pouvait être neutralisée par la circonstance que les prestations du requérant avaient été évaluées dans le cadre de la décision de non-renouvellement […]
"I say I know one thing: that I know nothing.
That, indeed makes me more knowledgeable than anybody else"
- Socrates -
+32-2-231 57 04
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Pappas & Associates
- Pappas & Associates, Rue Stevin 49-51, 1000 Brussels, Belgium
- contact@pappaslaw.eu
- +32-2-231 57 04
- +32-2-231 57 08
Recent cases
European Court of Human Rights : ECHR 46862/14, ECHR 46819/14, ECHR 30287/14, ECHR 23544/14, ECHR 5485/14, ECHR76530/13, ECHR 68918/13, ECHR 59003/13, ECHR 57424/13, ECHR 39173/13, ECHR 39165/13, ECHR 32194/13, ECHR 23542/13, ECHR 53601/12, ECHR 48499/12, ECHR 18096/12, CHR 1317/07, ECHR 3735/06
European Commission (Competition) : C 2015/078217, C 2015/071997, SA.39119 (2014-CP), SA. 32060 (2014/NN), SA 35191 (20121CP), C(2011)3504, C 16/10 (ex NN 22/10, ex CP 318/09), COMP/B1-39826/2010
Conseil d’Etat and Symvoulio tis Epikrateias : ΣτΕ 469/2012, Conseil d’Etat, arrêt nº 221.250 du 30 octobre 2012, ΣτΕ (ΕΑ) 259/2012, ΣτΕ (ΕΑ) 256-257/2012, ΣτΕ (ΕΑ) 254/2012, Conseil d’Etat arrêt nº 211.866 du 9 mars 2011, ΣτΕ 1786/2010
Court of Justice of the European Union : C-131/15 P, T-484/15, T-351/15, T-306/15, T-104/15, F-68/15, Τ-791/14, T-787/14 P, F-93/14, F-77/14, F-69/14, F-35/14, F-34/14, C-673/13 P, T-653/13, T-338/13, T-73/13, T-58/13, T-57/13, T-44/13, T-29/13, F-117/13, T-403/12, T-296/12, -192/12, T-36/12, T-14/12, F-137-138-139/12, F-26/12, T-635/11, T-422/11, T-419/11, T-317/11 P, T-59/11, F-124/11, F-87/11, F-24/10 RA, C-362/09 P, T-164/09, T-384/08, T-43/07 P, F-143/07, F-128-129/07, C-521/06 P, T-94/05 RENV II, T-94/05, F-100/05, T-471/04
T-358/20, Net Technologies Finland Oy v. REA: Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration activities (2007-2013) – The FP7 Guide is not a source of the applicable law but merely a policy instrument, which, in accordance with the principle of performing contracts in good faith, has to be taken into account – Relationship between the participants in a Consortium – Probative value of emails – Eligibility of the costs for the consultants of the subcontractor; criteria of working in the beneficiary’s premises and of remuneration based on working hours; derogation by FP7 from the conditions laid down in the general conditions of the FP
Staff Regulations: the rule of correspondence between the complaint and the application
AMD Fusion APU Era Begins
The Reform of the data protection legal framework
The Netherlands Dances the Two-Step With Its New Telecom Law : Net-Neutrality and Online Advertisers Learn the Steps
Second Assessment of the Implementation of the Safer Networking Principles
Education and Employment Under the Europe 2020 Strategy
Google and the credibility of EU data protection laws
Is Microsoft ruling an example of European protectionism ?
A law with unintended consequences