F-34/14: The general implementing rules cannot lawfully, by way of explaining more fully a clear term of the Staff Regulations, reduce the scope of those regulations or of the CEOS or lay down rules which derogate from hierarchically superior provisions, such as the provisions of the Staff Regulations or the CEOS or general principles of […]
F-26/12: The rule of correspondence, according to article 91 SR, between the complaint and the application that follows under the angle of the principles of effective judicial protection and legal principle; failing to consult the Staff Committee prior to the adoption of the rules applicable to requests from ECB staff, the ECB infringed paragraphs 48 […]
14 May '13
AMD Fusion APU Era Begins by Stratis Camatsos Big Experiences, Sleek Designs, All-Day Battery Life and Notebooks That Stay Cool All Day Now Possible with Revolutionary Single Chip The new year … AMD Fusion APU Era Begins by Stratis Camatsos Big Experiences, Sleek Designs, All-Day Battery Life and Notebooks That Stay Cool All Day Now […]
he European Commission proposes a new, clear and uniform legislative framework, which will ensure a strong protection of the fundamental right to data protection throughout the European Union and at the same time, will strengthen the functioning of the Single Market…
MPs on Wednesday voted in favor of new legislation guaranteeing internet access for all and setting limits to the use of tracking text files known as cookies, and it would essentially guarantee “net neutrality” by preventing the telecommunication companies from charging customers more for using Skype and similar Internet phone services. The Netherlands is the first EU company to make a stand for net neutrality.
There has been significant improvement since the first report, but the EU Commission raises concerns in certain key-areas with emphasis on protecting minors
The European Commission published its second report7 on the implementation of the “Safer Social Networking Principles”8, signed by 21 social networking companies. These Principles have been
developed by SNS providers in consultation with the European Commission, as part of its Safer Internet Plus Programme, and a number of NGOs, to provide good practice recommendations for
the providers of social networking and other user interactive sites, to enhance the safety of children and young people using their services. -
A look into the European Union’s 2020 Strategy, with a focus on education and employment, and the Hungarian Presidency’s important role in the control and governance of the Strategy through the European Semester.
Google There have been two major developments in recent weeks that could have long term consequences for the privacy of Europeans. One seems positive; the other is concerning. On the positive side, Vice-President of the Commission Viviane Reding proposed a major overhaul of the EU’s data protection framework – already regarded by many as the toughest data protection regime […]
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Competition is alive and well on the browser market. What, then, explains the Commission’s continued pursuit of Microsoft? Is Microsoft hindering internet browser competition by tying its Microsoft Internet Explorer to Windows? Can things really look so different in the EU from the way they look to the rest of the orld? Last week’s announcement that […]
04 Dec '08
New research suggests reducing the use of pesticide could have a huge impact on crop yields. On paper, the European Commission’s draft pesticides directive is admirable, in its intentions and in the careful and detailed inter-service consultations that preceded the draft. But in the light of research not available when it was put to the European […]
- Tags:
- pesticide
"I say I know one thing: that I know nothing.
That, indeed makes me more knowledgeable than anybody else"
- Socrates -
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European Court of Human Rights : ECHR 46862/14, ECHR 46819/14, ECHR 30287/14, ECHR 23544/14, ECHR 5485/14, ECHR76530/13, ECHR 68918/13, ECHR 59003/13, ECHR 57424/13, ECHR 39173/13, ECHR 39165/13, ECHR 32194/13, ECHR 23542/13, ECHR 53601/12, ECHR 48499/12, ECHR 18096/12, CHR 1317/07, ECHR 3735/06
European Commission (Competition) : C 2015/078217, C 2015/071997, SA.39119 (2014-CP), SA. 32060 (2014/NN), SA 35191 (20121CP), C(2011)3504, C 16/10 (ex NN 22/10, ex CP 318/09), COMP/B1-39826/2010
Conseil d’Etat and Symvoulio tis Epikrateias : ΣτΕ 469/2012, Conseil d’Etat, arrêt nº 221.250 du 30 octobre 2012, ΣτΕ (ΕΑ) 259/2012, ΣτΕ (ΕΑ) 256-257/2012, ΣτΕ (ΕΑ) 254/2012, Conseil d’Etat arrêt nº 211.866 du 9 mars 2011, ΣτΕ 1786/2010
Court of Justice of the European Union : C-131/15 P, T-484/15, T-351/15, T-306/15, T-104/15, F-68/15, Τ-791/14, T-787/14 P, F-93/14, F-77/14, F-69/14, F-35/14, F-34/14, C-673/13 P, T-653/13, T-338/13, T-73/13, T-58/13, T-57/13, T-44/13, T-29/13, F-117/13, T-403/12, T-296/12, -192/12, T-36/12, T-14/12, F-137-138-139/12, F-26/12, T-635/11, T-422/11, T-419/11, T-317/11 P, T-59/11, F-124/11, F-87/11, F-24/10 RA, C-362/09 P, T-164/09, T-384/08, T-43/07 P, F-143/07, F-128-129/07, C-521/06 P, T-94/05 RENV II, T-94/05, F-100/05, T-471/04
T-358/20, Net Technologies Finland Oy v. REA: Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration activities (2007-2013) – The FP7 Guide is not a source of the applicable law but merely a policy instrument, which, in accordance with the principle of performing contracts in good faith, has to be taken into account – Relationship between the participants in a Consortium – Probative value of emails – Eligibility of the costs for the consultants of the subcontractor; criteria of working in the beneficiary’s premises and of remuneration based on working hours; derogation by FP7 from the conditions laid down in the general conditions of the FP
Staff Regulations: the rule of correspondence between the complaint and the application
AMD Fusion APU Era Begins
The Reform of the data protection legal framework
The Netherlands Dances the Two-Step With Its New Telecom Law : Net-Neutrality and Online Advertisers Learn the Steps
Second Assessment of the Implementation of the Safer Networking Principles
Education and Employment Under the Europe 2020 Strategy
Google and the credibility of EU data protection laws
Is Microsoft ruling an example of European protectionism ?
A law with unintended consequences