23 Jul '15
When the EU takes lessons from the other side of the Atlantic By Zena Prodromou Introduction EU regulatory law is an area in transition. The adoption of EC Regulation 1107/2009, replacing andrepealing Council Directives 79/11/EEC and 91/414/EEC comes as evidence of that the EU is still in seek of a legislative regime, that will allow […]
- Tags:
- pesticide
10 Jul '15
At a turning point: old versus new society? Spyros A. Pappas One of the deepest philosophical foundations of the EU is the absolute value of the individual. It is on this value that democracy is based and the EU in its turn on the latter. Although of absolute character it is not unlimited. It reaches […]
“Findings of the Tribunal 49 The applicant has raised a plea of illegality of Article 6(2) of the GIP in the light of Article 85(1) of the CEOS in support of the claim for annulment of the non-renewal decision. 50 As provided for in Article 85(1) of the CEOS, ‘[t]he contracts of contract staff referred to in Article 3a [of the […]
12 Jun '15
Case T-296/12: notion of a “regulatory act”; exercise of implementing powers conferred to the Commission; a regulatory act to be challengeable must directly affect the legal situation of the applicant and, secondly, it must leave no discretion to its addressees, which are entrusted with the task of implementing it, such implementation being purely automatic and […]
According to the PROTOCOL No 29 of the Treaty on the functioning of the European Union “ON THE SYSTEM OF PUBLIC BROADCASTING IN THE MEMBER STATES”, in view of the fact that the system of public broadcasting in the Member States is directly related to the democratic, social and cultural needs of each society and […]
06 Apr '15
Publicité clandestine: l’absence de rémunération lors de sa diffusion n’exclue pas son caractère intentionnel La Cour appelée à répondre à une question préjudicielle posée par le Conseil d’Etat grec estime que l’existence d’une rémunération ne constitue pas un élément pouvant exclure le caractère intentionnel d’une publicité clandestine. Selon la Cour, une telle interprétation risquerait de compromettre la finalité […]
29 Nov '14
La Cour annule partiellement l’arrêt du Tribunal concernant l’enregistrement du signe « Bud » en tant que marque communautaire et renvoie l’affaire au Tribunal pour une nouvelle décision…
- Tags:
- clone
- data protection
- gmo
- pesticide
European Union Justice Commissioner Viviane Reding says she will introduce stringent privacy rules to protect users of Internet social networking sites.
29 Nov '14
Nouveaux produits alimentaires : la guerre des clones.
Après près de trois ans de négociations sur la question du règlement sur les nouveaux aliments, la législation est abandonnée après l’échec des négociations entre Conseil et Parlement dans la nuit du 28 au 29 mars dernier -
20 Sep '14
Three arguments against the idea that a plea of illegality raised for the first time in an action should be declared inadmissible solely on the ground that it has not been raised in the complaint JUDGMENT OF THE EUROPEAN UNION CIVIL SERVICE TRIBUNAL (Second Chamber) 18 September 2014 (*) (Civil service — ECB staff — Access of ECB […]
"I say I know one thing: that I know nothing.
That, indeed makes me more knowledgeable than anybody else"
- Socrates -
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Pappas & Associates
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Recent cases
European Court of Human Rights : ECHR 46862/14, ECHR 46819/14, ECHR 30287/14, ECHR 23544/14, ECHR 5485/14, ECHR76530/13, ECHR 68918/13, ECHR 59003/13, ECHR 57424/13, ECHR 39173/13, ECHR 39165/13, ECHR 32194/13, ECHR 23542/13, ECHR 53601/12, ECHR 48499/12, ECHR 18096/12, CHR 1317/07, ECHR 3735/06
European Commission (Competition) : C 2015/078217, C 2015/071997, SA.39119 (2014-CP), SA. 32060 (2014/NN), SA 35191 (20121CP), C(2011)3504, C 16/10 (ex NN 22/10, ex CP 318/09), COMP/B1-39826/2010
Conseil d’Etat and Symvoulio tis Epikrateias : ΣτΕ 469/2012, Conseil d’Etat, arrêt nº 221.250 du 30 octobre 2012, ΣτΕ (ΕΑ) 259/2012, ΣτΕ (ΕΑ) 256-257/2012, ΣτΕ (ΕΑ) 254/2012, Conseil d’Etat arrêt nº 211.866 du 9 mars 2011, ΣτΕ 1786/2010
Court of Justice of the European Union : C-131/15 P, T-484/15, T-351/15, T-306/15, T-104/15, F-68/15, Τ-791/14, T-787/14 P, F-93/14, F-77/14, F-69/14, F-35/14, F-34/14, C-673/13 P, T-653/13, T-338/13, T-73/13, T-58/13, T-57/13, T-44/13, T-29/13, F-117/13, T-403/12, T-296/12, -192/12, T-36/12, T-14/12, F-137-138-139/12, F-26/12, T-635/11, T-422/11, T-419/11, T-317/11 P, T-59/11, F-124/11, F-87/11, F-24/10 RA, C-362/09 P, T-164/09, T-384/08, T-43/07 P, F-143/07, F-128-129/07, C-521/06 P, T-94/05 RENV II, T-94/05, F-100/05, T-471/04
T-358/20, Net Technologies Finland Oy v. REA: Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration activities (2007-2013) – The FP7 Guide is not a source of the applicable law but merely a policy instrument, which, in accordance with the principle of performing contracts in good faith, has to be taken into account – Relationship between the participants in a Consortium – Probative value of emails – Eligibility of the costs for the consultants of the subcontractor; criteria of working in the beneficiary’s premises and of remuneration based on working hours; derogation by FP7 from the conditions laid down in the general conditions of the FP
Staff Regulations: the rule of correspondence between the complaint and the application
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The Reform of the data protection legal framework
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Second Assessment of the Implementation of the Safer Networking Principles
Education and Employment Under the Europe 2020 Strategy
Google and the credibility of EU data protection laws
Is Microsoft ruling an example of European protectionism ?
A law with unintended consequences