“67 Although the Reporting Officer’s Practical Dossier states that it has no legal value, it is clear from the wording of the instruction in question that it is indeed a mandatory rule and not mere advice for assessors or an option the exercise of which is left entirely to their discretion…. 125 It must therefore […]
“22 It is settled case-law that, in view of the nature of the appraisal report provided for in Article 43 of the Staff Regulations, which expresses the opinions freely drawn up by reporting officers, and not the appointing authority’s assessment, the lodging of a formal complaint, within the meaning of Article 90 of the Staff […]
Banque centrale européenne
T-903/16: “32. At the outset, it should be recalled that Regulation No 1049/2001 and Regulation No 45/2001 have different objectives. The first is designed to ensure the greatest possible transparency in the decision-making process of the public authorities and the information on which they base their decisions. It is thus designed to facilitate as far […]
“The scope of the dispute 30 In the light of the detailed information provided by the applicants, as already noted in paragraphs 22 to 24 of the initial judgment, which was not challenged in the judgment on appeal, the dispute must be limited to the part of the document at issue which contains information on the degree […]
- Tags:
- environmental protecion
Law “38 According to well-established case-law, the lack of competenceof the institution which adopted the contested measure constitutes a ground for annulment for reasons of public policy which must be raised by the EU judicature of its own motion, even though none of the parties has asked it to do so (see, to that effect, judgments […]
“En droit 19 À l’appui de son recours, la requérante invoque deux moyens. Premièrement, elle soutient que la décision attaquée est entachée d’un défaut de base juridique, en ce qu’elle appliquerait une condition, à savoir celle relative au changement d’institution, qui ne serait prévue « ni par la conclusion no 229/04 ni par la loi ». Deuxièmement, elle fait […]
- Tags:
- principle of legality
In Case C-673/13 P the CoJ of the EU examined whether it is sufficient that information relates ‘in a sufficiently direct manner’ to emissions into the environment in order for it to fall within the scope of the first sentence of Article 6(1) of Regulation No 1367/2006 (as the General Court ruled in paragraph 53 of the judgment under […]
- Tags:
- environmental protecion
“Findings of the Tribunal 49 The applicant has raised a plea of illegality of Article 6(2) of the GIP in the light of Article 85(1) of the CEOS in support of the claim for annulment of the non-renewal decision. 50 As provided for in Article 85(1) of the CEOS, ‘[t]he contracts of contract staff referred to in Article 3a [of the […]